The child-man…is the lost son of a host of economic and cultural changes: the demographic shift I call preadulthood, the Playboy philosophy, feminism, the wild west of our new media and a shrugging iffiness on the subject of husbands and fathers. He has no life script, no speak reason to grow up.
Kay S. Hymowitz must be a fan of Sometimes I spew word vomit. Her new book, Manning Up, is essentially an elaborate, thoroughly researched spin-off of "The Man-Boy Mantra" post I wrote in October. After reading a review in Glamour last month, I knew I had to scoop this one up. Barnes and Noble called me yesterday (yes, I'm a dork) to let me know my order was in, and I delightfully picked it up after dinner with my favorite man-boy. I am extremely intrigued by this topic, and look forward to learning more about how these man-children have evolved.
One of Hymowitz's readers commented that in modern culture, "Men are disposable." Homegirl stole that line from Sex & the City. While I can't argue with that sentiment, I will say they are still fun to be around, and if you're really lucky, you might find one worth recycling and become his reason to grow up.