Friday, May 14, 2010

Lit-tle cats..

I know you are all DYING for updates on my bitches. Here goes...

Kitty-Cat: Immediately following the Are we sluts? post, KC started going steady with her YB. TFS. Here's the kicker. YB will not cater to her needs. In the past month, they have gone on numerous dinner dates, daytime excursions, nights out drinking... this has only lead to some couch cuddling and PG coed sleepovers. Poor Kitty-Cat. All this YB does is compliment her... tells her she is the complete package, beautiful, a girl he thought he could never get. I know it sounds lame, but he is such a good YB. He is sweet to me too, and thinks the dynamic that Kitty-Cat and I have is killer (duh). Perhaps he is holding her up on a pedestal? I mean, she is a catch. Obviously. But, come on Young Boy! You have a hot older woman in bed with you- penetrate!! Her lower manhattan needs some attention. I'm sick of all my guy friends asking me if Kitty-Cat has GL'ed yet. She likes this boy, but if he doesn't man up by this weekend, I think she is going to give him a talking to. There are plenty of creeps waiting in the wings who will be happy to get the job done.

Reef Rider: Speaking of this YB, a couple weeks ago at OTR Reef Rider met his bestie whom she dubbed Little Big Cat. RR loves to call young boys Little Cats, and this Little Cat is exceptionally tall. Hence the name LBC. I love it. Hearing her say it is the funniest part. She kills me. LBC was feeling RR and they flirted all night. His baby mama drama is a major turn-off for her, but that didn't stop her from getting wild with LBC on my couch following too many dirty martinis and shots on Cinco de Mayo (Backstory: LBC told YB that it was his mission to slay Reef Rider). They decided it is best to be FWB. Interestingly enough, my little sexual deviant is in like with a new boy. Homeboy (she likes to refer to him as Wifed-up Creep) just needs to cut his dumpy girlfriend loose.

Novel Girl: She and No Romo do not let a day go by without contact, and while neither one will admit it to me... they are definitely in like with one another. He went to visit her in the city two weeks ago and she is on her way to Rhody as I write this. Woooo girl! I am so excited to see them interact live in the flesh. A virtual connection that I get credit for!! Novel Girl felt the need to reciprocate and connect me with her friend Summer Ale via bbm. I told him that if and when the NG/NR wedding occurs, we will be each other's plus ones (even if we have significant others- it just seems oh so fitting).

Bambi: Girl actually had sex in a bed last weekend. Blackout sex, but at least they took it out of the car and in between the sheets. I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump n' grind...

Chi Girl: She had a magical elevator connection with a Pharm Boy over a month ago and this sexy stud proceeded to retrieve her work digits and leave an amaaaazzinngg voicemail. Wednesday night Chi Girl sent me a fantastic series of bbms after attending Pharm Boy's softball game and taking tequilla shots with the entire (studly) team.
"They loved me. And PB couldn't keep his oven mitts off me. So we face f***ed in a mall parking lot. Then my classometer hit its Nader and I called it una noche. He was like please stay over it's pouring and you drank. We can handcuff me and lock me in a room alone... I won't touch you. I was like...tough sell. But I'll brave the streets."
This whole amazing conversation began with 12 "omg's" expressing her excitement about a new T-shirt design idea (which I will not reveal as to avoid stealing). Get on that girl, the skinny virgin tee has been a huge hit.

So tonight should be spectacular and after Tuesday night I will have 2 weeks off from grad school!! More frequent updates to come kids. Happy weekend.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Surfers are dorks.

New information: Bambi's carboy is not only a frisky fella, but a surfer as well. Sharing their story yielded an influx of readers arriving from, a forum for New England surfers. I still don't really understand the site fully.

This is what transpired in the last week... I blogged. Bambi tells Burnham about it and he posts link to my blog with the following comment preceding: "Hope you virgins are having fun on your messagebourd. Next up for me... hard drugs. Your pal, Enrique Burnham" (Quick backstory- Burnham is known on the forum as a 40-something virgin who lives home with his parents). I was unaware of this until I noticed a bunch of unfamiliar cities/towns coming up on my traffic feed from nesurf. Bambi filled me in on EB's actions... apparently he was "trying to get me some more followers." This got me thinking about surfers and all the sexiness that they exude. I felt it necessary to get some feedback and input from my homegirls/avid facebook followers to pinpoint what exactly makes these wave seekers so desirable. The sole male comment came from one of my grad school pals and was a fitting title for this post. Exploring nesurf validates his statement, but I'm into it. Dorks rock my socks.
Surfer boys... this is what we love about you. Keep up the good work.
Appearance: Man lines top the list. Otherwise known as peepee lines, penis cleavage and cum gutters. That hair. Sexy, salty, sun-kissed. The overall bod. Chiseled, bronzed, head-turning. The way those wet suits hug every inch. Yummmm...
Attitude: Laid-back, care-free, adventurous, effortlessly sexy.
In conclusion, I am horny for summertime and surfer sightings. A quote from my girl SP sums up my argument: "Ahh the carefree life of a surfer just living for the perfect wave... and we are just hoping to be that perfect wave... or at least a passing wave!"

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

To all my faithful followers, my sincerest apologies. It has been much too long since my last blogpost. The slacking can be attributed to the fact that I have been trying to focus on re-learning and teaching things like order of operations and comprehension strategies. It's hard to get your priorities in check when all you want to do is have a little fun and write about it. Why can't I just be a blogging socialite?! I don't think this is too much to ask. Maybe I should look into connecting with Perez.

I have a ton of word vomit to spew but I'm going to take baby steps and start with a story that was recently shared with me by my friend Bambi St. Claire. A little background on Bambi: She is a good little girl with a large sexual appetite. To avoid promiscuity, she often abstains from one night stands and fleeting flings. Unfortunately, this abstinence only heightens her horny teenage boy mindset. Speaking of teenagers, her story involves some seriously juvenile behavior. After breaking things off with her last boy, Bambi was going on 6 weeks with no sex in the champagne room. That is no fun for anyone. So when Bambi met a boy (we'll call him Enrique Burnham- long story) about a month ago she had difficulty abstaining (she waited a week). On their third hangout, she was feeling frisky after a few cocktails...
Fast forward about 3 minutes. Instead of meeting her friends at the next bar, she suggests a sexual tryst in the backseat of his SUV. Wildy hot success. She takes him home where more steamy plowing takes place. Way to go...girl.
Bambi called me this morning with a similar story... there seems to be a pattern developing with them. Last night they met up and potentially consumed one too many adult beverages. On their walk back to his car they ran into Metro Wastecase stumbling along the road talking smack to some drunk college boys. This resulted in flying fists and choke holds. EB couldn't let his boy get jumped, so he stepped in to deflect. Bambi stared helplessly in an astonished drunken haze. Was this really happening? Enrique walked away with a fat lip and a lump on the noggin. My girl Bambi felt it was only appropriate to nurse his fat lip with a car make-out sesh followed by some backseat boinking. She is so giving. Articles of clothing were lost in the struggle and she ended up walking into her apartment with panties in hand while he entered shirtless- so T. Thankfully her roomie was sleeping (passed out) soundly on the couch by this time. Bambi promised to keep me informed if and when the teenage antics continue.

I failed to mention that Bambi is in her mid twenties and Enrique is in his early thirties. Perhaps they are making up for virginal high school years? Regardless, I'm into it.

She's got jokes. I sweat this broad.

Before I get down to some long overdue story telling, I haaave to mention a Chelsea update. Apparently Radaronline released a sex tape on Wednesday that she made over 10 years ago when she moved to LA. She addressed the issue on her show, stating, "I would like to say to Radaronline, a) thanks for ruining my surprise Christmas gift to my staff, and b) It was made as a joke. I put it on an audition tape for a comedy club, because I'm a comedienne, and I've been showing it at birthday parties for years!"

I need to see that tape. Note to self: Get invited to her next birthday party.
