Facebook is a funny place. Not funny haha... funny in a spooky, creepy, I-didn't-mean-to-stalk-you-but-I-did kind of way. After seeing The Social Network, I became even more fascinated with this virtual party we have all been attending for the past 6 years. Fun facebook story of the week: A few friends were "liking" the mural shown below. I proceeded to follow suite because I, too, like it. A lot.

Just now I clicked on the event page connected to this mural and noticed it was a contest submission for the new rag & bone location on Elizabeth and Houston. "Vote for Joshua Schwartz's rag & bone Mural" was the title. My silly brain association led me to Josh Schwartz, Providence native and creator of three of my favorite series, Gossip Girl, The O.C. and Chuck (marry me Zachary Levi?).

My next thought was "why is Josh Schwartz entering a mural contest for a fashion line?" After bbm questioning Novel Girl, I discovered that JoshUA Schwartz is NOT the TV producer, but the artist boyfriend of her dear friend Sabotage. Go here to find out how to vote for his beautifully simplistic mural.
Once I recovered from my own stupidity, I posted the mural pic to Teddy Jams' wall... not because I was fishing for compliments, but because it reminded me of him. He tells me why I rock often. All girls should be so lucky. Over an after dinner beer on date four, he opened up and told me what he likes so much about me, "You see the world in brighter colors." I can't think of anything sweeter than that. Free advice for my male readers: Tell. her. why. she. rocks. Most likely, she already knows she does, but don't be afraid to tell her why you think so.
As I read this post, I visually pictured you telling it in the car while you are bbm-ing and eating white cheddar pirate booty. Then there was a moment where you looked up from your blackberry, lifted your hand out to deliver the free male reader advice with a classic Nic D one hand out gesturing matched with facial expressions which reinforce the point more directly. Then you lowered your head and continued to answer the two text you received while speaking. In that small moment of silence I would have thought to myself, who the F*#$% is Joshua Schwartz? And was it his O.C. that caused him to chuck on the girl who was gossiping? Or is that his new art piece "OC guy throws up on gossipy girl?" My thought is then concluded with "Cool, White Cheddar pirate booty!Nice"