Sidenote: I have developed a minor addiction to twitter. I can really let my freak flag fly there and spew all the wacky word vomit that comes to mind without being judged (27 followers on twit vs. 1100 fb friends). Much love to my fav tweeters: Novel Girl, AA, Summer Ale, Rock Lock, Momo, TrayDay, Chefanova, JJ Backstreet and Tiger (add him to my list of virtual connections via Novel Girl).
Back on track here: I am convinced that Sarah and Chelsea would love me and Kitty Cat. We are them- just 10 years younger, brunette and lacking national celebrity status. The week before the show, Chelsea had a Belvedere girl on and she and Sarah were sampling all the yummy cocktails she threw together. When Belvedere girl was talking about grapefruit infused vodka, Sarah asked if they had any birth-control infused vodka. I died. Genius, girl... I would market the shit of that around these parts. Fast forward to last Friday night. Kitty Cat and I successfully consume a bottle of bubbly before the 7:30 showtime. A couple of Ketel sodas and we were blackout before Loni Love finished (3rd comedian). It was my mission to meet Sarah (lesbihonest) so I told Kitty Cat to follow my lead and headed to the exit behind the stage. I asked the "security" ever so politely if we could sneak out that way then proceeded to call out Sarah's name. She came out of their trailer (bombed) and I told her that I often tweet at her and we had the potential to be besties. She said she recognized "Colie_D." Wooo girl! We took a pic with her and started to head out when I spotted John Caparulo. My close friends know I have a history of chubby chasing....Welp, I went back to Sarah and told her I wanted a pic with Caparulo because "I dig his body type." I am so ridiculous. She was into it and called him over, even referring to KC and I as "pretty girls." Another wooo girl! Check out the pic below, complete with my giant vodka induced cheesy grin and Caparulo's pit stains. Sexy.

The remainder of the evening is pretty fuzzy, but I know this much: we left and manged burgers at Juicy Cheesy (T), played and pregamed some more with the boys at Annimal House, sang "Bulletproof" with some bebs the whole walk to the Deck, and went on to consume an excess of vodka. The Deck is infested with YBs on the weekends and I'm not gonna lie, I'm into it.
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