As the summer comes to a end (tear), so does a chapter in my life. Those of you who know me well and read this regularly are probably aware that Kitty Cat is my roommate. Well, I am incredibly sad to report that she and I are breaking up...err, moving out. KC has been crying incessently these past few days, and I am still in denial. We were perfect roommates and our apartment was super cozy. Many memories from 104 Kay. Brief sampling: spontaneous dance parties, rehashing the previous evening together while lying in my bed, couch-dwelling while watching Chelsea and indulging in some half-baked froyo, beach cruising and walking downtown from the apt, "cooking" together (we could probably do some mean Lean Cuisine endorsements), lazy Sunday discussions/inventions, blankly staring into our closets for outfits, frequent visits from Egg, Coon Dawg, Chowe and other mutual fun friends, and the lovely note (pictured below) that was posted in our shower for the latter half of our lease. Thankfully I have documentation on this blog of all the wild times. Kay Street is home :)

Moving away from the depressing tone, I would like to recognize and congratulate a few of my beautiful ladies who recently shared spectacular news with me. Last Monday, I received not one, but two phone calls from my Bristaaal gals announcing they each have a bun in the oven. In March, TC and Ery-Min will both make me a proud Auntie! Wooo girls! Just yesterday, one of my DZ girls, A-Co, was here in Newport with her man for the night. Well... her man (of 4 years...they are an exception to one of the "he's just not that into you" rules) got down on one knee and proposed on the Cliff Walk. The ring is beeeaauutiful and A-Co was glowing when I met them for drinks last night. I could not be happier for these two- and she's the first of my college ladies to get hitched! Soooo excited for their wedding. Mazel Tov my loves.

Life is a bit like a good book. We can be left feeling disappointed when an exciting chapter ends, but the anticipation of what's to come in the next chapter can often be doubly exciting. Cheers to new chapters and precious memories of the old ones.
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