RIdiculous stories about my friends and my life. Free from embellishment.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Love, Love, Love. All you need is love.

Monday, December 13, 2010
We are lucky. Aren't we lucky?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tis the season.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Oh Glee, how I love thee.

Friday, November 19, 2010
The ultimate college experiment.

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Tell her why she rocks.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Let's talk about sex, baby. With a side of romance, of course.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Man-Boy Mantra.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Chubby drunks and skinny dorks.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
New chapters.

Monday, August 23, 2010
Unique New York.
Friday: Departed the city by the sea and arrived in the concrete jungle around 7. Met Novel Girl in the E.Vill for a pre-weekend mani and started the evening at AA and SeanEballs' rooftop for conversation, mascara application, and pre-bar libations. The conversation was exceptional of course (we are all a bit wacky/quirky). The mascara was applied to Dustinternet's beautiful eyelashes. I've been obsessed with his eyelashes since we met in college. Creepy? Maybe. But I know I'm not alone. The libation of the night was vodka on the rocks spiked with an ice pop. That's what I call #resourceful. We left the boys around 1 to meet Rock Lock (who was shmammered and ready to call it a night) and Dinky Lover at Sutton Place. Decided not to stay and lingered outside debating where to go when Novel Girl was tweeted at by Tiger to see if she was still up and out. Coincidentally, he was at a karoke bar just a few blocks away (midas touch). We met him there and NG introduced me as @Colie_D! Bahaha, oh twitter. There was a beer bong involved and before long, it was closing time. But our night did not end there... we checked in @ The Bromley and discussed Catcher in the Rye, blogs, and Brazzers with a little help from MaryJane. I believe NG and I made it back to her humble abode at the respectable hour of six.

Next stop: The Met for some culture consumption. As we mosied along checking out Egyptian art, musical intstruments (Ringo's gold drum included), jewelry, et cetera, Novel Girl commented that she has been to The Met dozens of times and we were stumbling upon things she had never seen. We also sat on the steps and channeled our inner S and B. Xoxo, Gossip Girl. We decided around 4 it was probably time to walk Parker (that chick magnet) and feed our faces, so we walked to Madison Square Park and waited "on line" for a delectable double shack burger at The Shake Shack. NG then took me over to Gramercy Park, where only key holders are allowed entry. Uber-exclusive...naturally Novel Girl's dream house is in the neighborhood. Back in the E.Vill, it was 80's prom night at Webster Hall. I've got to attend one of these weekends. Sidenote: Novel Girl and I share a similiar musical taste and we created an epic weekend playlist that included "Teach me how to Dougie." Somehow, that song became the theme song of the weekend. Saturday evening brought a visit from AB, that quirky cat who is "so far out of every loop that ever existed." Love her. The three of us strolled down to R Bar where we met some of our College Gals and The Boys of Ramaz. I proceeded to dougie on the stripper pole and caught the attention of Lewish the birthday boy. It is official. I am a magnetic shiksa, attracting Jewish boys left and right. We had to skip out of R Bar because we couldn't let the weekend go by without seeing Summer Ale, JJ Backstreet and all the Syo Boys. We bar hopped with that crew and I attracted another Jew- wooo! The evening came to a close at U2 Karoke, per usual, with Sami serenading us on the mic.
Sunday: Novel Girl, Summer Ale and yours truly schleped to Brooklyn in the rain, singing Garbage and toting our spectacular clear bell shaped umbrellas to the JellyNYC Pool Party. Das recommended that we see Chromeo and claimed, "if you can't dance to Chromeo, you don't have a pulse." Welp, we danced. our. asses. off. Click here to read Novel Girl's depiction of our experience. I won't attempt to reinvent the wheel when my girl has already done a stellar job of retelling our day. I have included a youtube video of "Tenderoni" below- enjoy.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Lower Manhattan: a self-sufficient neighborhood.
This is not the first time I have breached the subject of self-stimulation (see Reef Rider is Wild and Sunday Funday. College Style). This is, however, the first time I will be discussing it at length. I was jazzed that last night's conversation moved away from petty drama (yawn) and on to inappropriate. I learned I had a few friends that shared my love of the silver bullet, a few that prefer manual labor, and one that was uncomfortable contributing (this surprised me because she was one of my college friends that got laid frequently and was pretty open to talking about sex). What's interesting about me is that I was a complete prude until college and definitely too innocent and freaked out to explore my lower manhattan. Welp, that has sure changed. It's true what all the silly magazines say about having a better sex life. We need to know what turns us on and how to get ourselves off in order to obtain maximum pleasure with a partner. What thrills me is that apparently I have not yet reached my sexual prime (for women it's our thirties), and I have lots to look forward to. Confession: this year I experimented with phone sex, and if I told my 22 year old self this she would not believe me. It's awkward at first, but if the person on the other end is interactive and saying the right things, it can be quite exciting. One male friend said it's "way better" than porn, "much more personalized" and that "the voice is key." While some of my girlfriends are weirded out by the notion of it, several ladies admitted to partaking and thoroughly enjoying sexting, phone and video sex. Oh so virtual and progressive.
I wish I could remember the first time I masturbated as vividly as my girl Chelsea did when she described her first experience with "The Feeling" in the first chapter of Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang. She spent the greater part of her eighth year humping swing sets and sleeping bags. Kitty Cat and Chowe have a student at their school who is known as the "self-stimulator" and is often spotted moving her hips in a circular motion against the edge of the desk or while lying on the rug. I don't think I had a clue that I was blessed with "The Power" (Judy Blume reference from Summer Sisters) between my legs at that age and I am certain I found it creepy when I heard stories of boys jerking off in middle school. With adulthood comes acceptance. Ha!
The general consensus from my bitches is that they do not need porn to get themselves off...their imagination and some good vibrations is all they require. A few confessed to playing daily, while most said they did whenever they were feeling frisky, and more often when they were not receiving the real thing on the reg. One said she was scared of vibrators because she was worried she might rely on them even with a man around in order to cross the finish line.
Generally, the boys use porn. So many sites to choose from...I wouldn't know where to begin. It's funny how the porn industry has evolved over the years. Most guys said they do it daily. I posed this question to a couple: frequency, location, materials used? One responded: Eight times daily, public, anal beads. Another: once a day, bed or shower, tissues. The latter was a serious response. The former did admit to being a bit of monk and not the most sexually charged individual, to which I got a chuckle. When I asked him about porn or imagination, he claimed 50/50. So not all men (or women) are as predictable as I initially thought. I must say, it was fun to push the conservative kids to open up (or refuse) about this crude/very personal matter, and equally enjoyable to converse with my sexually charged mates regarding their masturbatory behavior. Frankly speaking, I think that until I am getting regular penetration, I will maintain a close personal relationship with my trusty silver bullet.
Feel free to judge me. It's not a bad thing :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Reverse prostitution. Not...great.
Subject line: for services never rendered
This is a story of a man, let's call him "DJ Slumpbuster," who was paid the lowly sum of $20 not to hook up. This may be the first instance of reverse prostitution in Rhode Island and hopefully the last. This story begins on Block Island, where "DJ SB" retreats to escape the stresses of being an unemployed college student. For the sake of brevity, this story takes place on day two of "DJ SB's" trip. It was on this Friday that the stalking began. Every few minutes, "DJ SB's" phone would vibrate with an incessant message from an Armenian girl from Warwick, who was threatening to take the five o'clock ferry to the block. This girl from Warwick, I don't know, let's call her "Prude-ish Pele," was serious with her threat and sure enough, showed up at "DJ SB's" yacht around 6ish (DJ SB's yacht in this sense refers to his friend's boat). After "Prude-ish Pele's" third glass of wine, she decided to take "DJ SB" to the hotel where she was staying with a group of her friends. It was a beautiful hotel right there on the main street, perfect for a couple to spend a romantic evening. However, as these friends were also from Warwick (read T), they had this hotel room crammed tighter than a Cuban refugee raft. There was even a bed made up in the bathtub, for not one, but two people. From the hotel, "PP" and "DJ SB" retreated to a bar to enjoy a wonderful set of music from a terrific cover band called "Those Guys Suck." Now, as you all know, after the party comes the hotel lobby. However, as there were thirteen people sharing a twin bed in "PP's" hotel room, she decided to follow "DJ SB" and get late night food and retire to his yacht. This is where the solicitation occurred. As they were sitting in his stateroom, "Prude-ish Pele" made it explicitly clear that she was in no way going to hook up with "DJ SB." She did, however, have no problem making love to his chicken tender and french fry platter that he had so graciously purchased. Once the food was gone, "PP" left the yacht to go back to the late night spot, as she texted, to get some "moose food" (let's assume she meant more). After she had crushed moose food, she walked back to the yacht because, hey, it's better than sleeping in a sink. She begs and grovels for a place to sleep and "DJ SB," the gentleman that he is, allows her to share his room. The next morning, "DJ SB" awakes to a note pinned to a twenty dollar bill, which said, "Thanks for the chicken tenders and for not hooking up with me, have a great day." And that my friends is the story of "DJ SB," the reverse prostitute.
Headed out for drinks tonight with the reverse prostitute himself. Maybe I will attempt to whore him out and his next email to Prude-ish Pele will be an account of what she missed out on by making love to fried food instead of him.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Bitches want to be blogged about.
"Here is just one example of the total wrongness of something I tend to be automatically sure of: everything in my own immediate experience supports my deep belief that I am the absolute center of the universe; the realest, and most vivid and important person in existence. We rarely think about this natural, basic sort of self-centeredness because it's so socially repulsive. But it's pretty much the same for all of us. It is our default setting; hard-wired into our boards at birth. Think about it- there is no experience that you have had that you are not the absolute center of. The world as you experience it is there in front of YOU or behind YOU, to the left or right of YOU, on YOUR TV or YOUR monitor. And so on. Other people's thoughts and feelings have to be communicated to you somehow, but your own are so immediate, urgent, real."
Man is brilliant, right? What he speaks of is so profoundly obvious. Novel Girl recently tweeted, "I have a crush on a dead guy," as she is currently elbow deep in a collection of his essays and totally digging his brain (so am I).
I thought this would an appropriate intro to this long-awaited (by some) post. You can look at this one of two ways. 1. I have a few friends that read religiously and have been threatening to stop if I don't blog about them soon (self-centered?). 2. They are faithful followers and I should show my appreciation by communicating THEIR thoughts, feelings, actions and stop being self-centered myself. Either way, welcome a few new characters to Sometimes I spew word vomit...
My mini-me/pseudo-sister, the lovely Rory Rose, is newly single. This barely legal beaut was in a serious relationship for over a year (complete with plans to wed) and was often acting waaayyy more mature than yours truly. I love her dearly, but I had been waiting for her to turn 21 for 5 years and was hoping she would be ready to get wild with me. No such luck- until now. Look out boys, Rory Rose is back on the market...and the prowl. Friday night that cute little vixen spent the evening sipping cocktails at Portside with the super sexy photographer that I developed a crush on back in 04 when my uncle purchased his photos for his shoe store. Harder(how hot is that last name?) is 28 and Rory is concerned about the age gap. We all know men mature at a snail's pace girl, go get him! And be prepared to share the intimate details with me (and my readers).
Now on to my grad school gals. Rewind to day one of my Master's program. I don't know a soul, so I decide to sit next to a pretty Italian girl who would quickly become my new bestie. She (Chefanova) and Charlotte are avid readers and sexual young ladies (they just are a little quieter about it than I). Charlotte is named after the SATC character and has been with her boyfriend for 4 years. She recently confessed that her and the boy want to spice it up and have made a list of all the places they plan to fornicate (they attempted the car sex...at a party...apparently there were too many peeping Toms present). Stay tuned for details as they cross off locations, and perhaps you will be interested in adding some to your own fucket lists.
On to Chefanova, a spring chicken at the ripe young age of 22. She broke things off with her German boyfriend in the spring because she could no longer handle the LDR (long distance relationship). Chefanova's summer confession: She joined an online dating site and met new man candy. This candy happens to be twice her age and a rockstar in the bedroom. Pretty sure she has become addicted to the sweet lovin from Old Man Mafioso. Lately I have had an affinity for the YB's, so I was a little put off at first by the astronomical age difference. The more she tells me about OMM, the more intrigued I become. We've decided that Chefanova is the Samantha of our little grad school clique, and I have a feeling she and Reef Rider would get along famously. Which reminds me, I need to catch up with that broad. She is bound to have stories for me.

More updates on these bitches to come, and brace yourself for some other fun stories. I have a week of freedom that involves a city visit... I anticipate wild times in the near future.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Today I had a thought...what if I had never met you?
Monday, August 2, 2010
DJ SB just touched down in London town.
Email #1: british blokes, london lasses, and other keen observations
british dudes are mad stylish. they have suits with cufflinks and pocketcheifs. if they don't already make skinny suit pants, i'm going to design them. they would blow up over here. british girls are conservative/haughty, yet i'm strangely attracted to them. most remind me of my 5th grade crush. real cute but need to spend some serious time in the orthodontists office. i hate public displays of affection. i see it every morning as i'm boarding my train. if i have to listen to one more tearful i'll miss you speech, someone is going to get kicked in the teeth. have some respect for the unloveable losers.
Email #2: british broke
flight to madrid, awful. i threw up into two of those puke bags, that's right two. Madrid was much better than the flight. it is hot as fuck. the women are dope as fuck. yet, for some reason they do not want pale, sweaty americans talking to them at a club. although, i am surprised that none of them fell for my pick up line, "ola, hablas ingles?" because i am pretty sure they hablas. the club was funny, no other way to describe it. you walked into the club and people are getting absolutely juiced when grease lightning comes on (myself included). left club and went to a pub, a pub that played 50s and 60s music. saw the tallest girl in spain in this pub. i pinched a nerve in my neck when i made eye contact with her. during the day we drank mad sangria and walked around art museums either pretending to be interested, or pretend that we actually understood art. i swear the modern art museum was just a garage sale they charged you six euros to get into. my favorite part about traveling to countries that don't speak english is expecting everyone to to speak english. i am trying to get you a british bloke, but they don't believe me when i swear to them it is you that is interested in them and not me. i should probably leave the gay district.
I kept DJ SB's words and capitalization neglect intact while only fixing the spelling errors that were driving me mad. Ladies, if you are into boys with stellar humor and the ability to laugh at themselves, see me for his personal info. I want to help him bust out of this current slump (I'm that good of a friend) and he has too much pride to accept my charity pity sex offer.
Boats, babes and booze.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Run, Forrest, Run.