I know I have previously mentioned that talent and passion really knock me out. Well, add natural beauty and awkwardly fantastic humor to the mix and you have my best friend in a nutshell. She recently took a breif hiatus from my life to complete 10 paintings in 2 weeks. She is applying to grad school and needed a series for her portfolio. That talented biatch works well under pressure. Below are four of her personal favorites. I am impressed and proud to call her my best friend. I'm digging the unfinished look. Imperfect perfection. When I gave her this review, her response was "It's a reflection of their maker." Now, for your viewing pleasure...

Bristol harbor with Kate
Santa Monica in Red
Newport Pearl
Hilton Head and Hands
So, if she is famous someday, I better be recognized publicly and frequently for my early exposure of her work. And if I don't have one of these paintings hanging in my apartment soon, there will be hell to pay. That is all for now.
Wait. Sidenote: Newport weather is yucky today. Summer please? Looking forward to sushi date tonight with girl crush BR :)
wow...you have a really talented best friend. I think she should be featured in your homosexual hall of fame.