Reality: We drink wine, laugh, talk about boys and sex.
Last Wednesday we had a Gansett girls get-together at one of their humble abodes. Some of my girls are going through rough patches with their guys, so that dominated much of the conversation in the beginning of the evening. By 930ish, we managed to kill two big bottles of noir and grigio. We planted ourselves on the couches for quality entertainment from one of the girls that I am sad to say I am not the closest to. Let's call her Super Sexter. Homegirl is LAUGHS. We have already become closer friends since that night. She is an open book, uber sexual, and has been known to host a "naughty novelty party" or two. My kind of gal. Unfortunately for Super Sexter, her live-in lover has not been supplying her with any love lately. His high stress level has made him lose his libido and subsequently increased hers, making her the aggressor. Needless to say, her current situation is less than ideal. That being said, let's rewind to a recent novelty party in which SS was lucky enough to receive a free gift for hosting. Her gift? Drum roll please....
A. butt. plug.
No joke. What would one need a butt plug for? If you're not into activity in that area, wouldn't it be more comfortable to simply say "exit only?"
Funniest part.... the toy's name. The Rectifier. I hadn't laughed that hard in awhile.
Ok I'm lying. I laugh hard and often. Fact.
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