Today, after leaving a meeting with one of her doctors, he follows her into the parking lot (btw, he is married with a child). Chi Girl's description of him: "Balding with shirt unbuttoned to expose chest hair and gold star of david on chain. Quintessential Russian Jew. He is a stellar being."

Daring Dilf Doc: "Chi girl, wait up. I have to ask you a personal question but I don't want to get slapped."
Chi girl takes a step back to ensure she is more than an arm's length away.
DDD: "I'm going to be alone this weekend. Wanted to see if you wanted to hang out."
CG: "I'm going to be in RI visiting my mom."
DDD: "That's too bad. There's this great place I've been wanting to take you. You've been in my thoughts if you know what I mean" (squeezes her arm).
Hellloooo sexual harassment. Best part is, as she is is on the phone with me seeking consolation, she gets cat calls from a bunch of Mexican teenagers. "Damn girl you fine! Look at that thick ass!" Her response, "Thanks, but I'm white, and thick is not a compliment."
DDD didn't stop at that interaction. Sent Chi Girl a text less than 1/2 hour later that read, "Have a safe trip. Enjoy your visit ;) was hoping to get a chance to spend some time with you. Bad timing. Did not have your number to ask about your plans. Hope you don't mind my interest."
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