Depressing realization: My friends' dating/sex lives are more interesting than my own.
Positive outcome: They provide me with stellar material.So novel girl assured me that she would keep me posted on all activity involving passionate professor, but until then, let me share the story of one of my best friends and navy baby daddy.
Setting of first meeting: Friday night; T (translation: trashy) bar that we rarely frequent. Boy spots girl from across the bar. Walks over. They engage in flirtatious banter, exchange digits, make plans for date three days later.

12:58 pm. Closing time. Navy boy's dumpy friend cock blocks him and mentions that he knocked up some broad in Thailand and he lives in Japan. We assume it was an accidental pregnancy, and my friend (we will call her Kitty-cat hahahah) and I decide that we will ignore the cock-blocking and see this as an opportunity to have some fun fresh off a break-up. He is only in town for two weeks and we only live once folks. "These things are fun, and fun is good."
Tuesday night: 1st date. Kitty-cat and navy boy get shmammered and he reveals juicy deets regarding baby mama drama. Not a mistake. Informed decision to start family with Thai girl whom he is currently in a relationship with. WTF!??? Kitty-cat visibly upset and drowns her sorrows in red, red wine. Looks past this minute detail, moves on to another bar and proceeds to take him home. GTs had by all.
Texting and phone calls commence the following day and Navy boy plans date #2 for Saturday night. I must mention here that Kitty-cat is a tad superficial and he is incredibly attractive and entertaining (tall, dark and handsome type).
This brings us to Saturday. Kitty-cat is looking fly. Another great dinner date (more drinks than dinner- Navy boy gets shut off) combined with drunk dancing and they are back at her place again. Clothes strewn throughout living room and sexy time commences. Everything is fabulous. Post coital chat is idyllic and then... Navy boy blows the fantasy. "How does it feel knowing you are the last girl I will sleep with besides Thai girl?" Why must you boys say things we don't want to hear!? Kitty-cat pissed. Way to go, Navy boy. She drops him off at base and plans to meet before he leaves are in place. Unfortunately, dynamic is now spoiled. Kitty-cat's spirit is crushed. Don't worry though, there are plenty of creeps in the wings for her.
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