Check out our tunamazing and painted lady rolls. YUM. Accompanied by a couple glasses of vino and followed with a tempura banana. Satisfied. We were later joined by some lovely male company and a few couples... quite a successful hump day gathering :) I want to thank BR for her sound advice and genuine interest in my blog. I am lucky for my new friends in gansett. You kids rock my socks.
Thursday night: Bruins game with Bear Paws, Close Talker and Ginny. Before I begin this story, I need to state for the record that hockey is a SEXY sport. This I have known since my freshman year in hs when I first laid eyes on TF, the most beautiful man to walk the halls of Mt. Hope(less) High. Yes, he was a hockey player. Something about big strong men skating around with a stick and bashing each other into boards. Turns me on. Ok back to my night. Supposed to meet BP in the bucket after work. Traffic on 95 and little sense of direction makes me 25 minutes late. BP not happy. More traffic heading up to Boston combined with incessant girl talk with CT makes BP a little anxious/irritable. I realize this and feel bad but there is no way to rectify the situation at this point. We just need to get there and get the big guy a stiff cocktail. Sidenote: CT does not remember meeting me on Saturday night and admits to blacking out and getting a ride home from a random. Ahhh the wonderful effects of alcoholism. We finally arrive at Quincy Adams and BP attempts to obtain a train ticket from an ATM machine. We are all losing it.
7:30 p.m. Boston at last (game started at 7). We scoop Ginny up from the Hyatt and we are on our way. Go to bar and 35 year old Ginny is denied adult beverage due to RI paper license. Close Talker is 24 and out of state peeps need to be 25 to drink (ridiculous rule if you ask me- only irresponsible early twentysomething massholes are excluded from this?). BP and I double up on beverages and all is well. Phew, there could have been an angry little Italian blowup there.
I am going to end with this classy photo. Drove behind this shocker-loving d-bag on the way to school the other day. Priceless trash. I love Rhode Island. BR- are you sure this isn't the fool that almost side swiped you recently?
I am an earlytwentysomething masshole ya jerk...not that I should be admitting that